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News 2015
UCC Leads International Rankings
UCC is the top performing higher education institution internationally according to the EU sponsored U-Multirank which published its survey results yesterday.
This system has been designed to broaden the parameters measured providing a more holistic and relevant assessment of university performance than commercially-driven rankings.
UCC scored the highest number of A grades - 21 out of a possible 28 - in the survey of the 1,200 higher education institutions from 83 countries adjudicated over the past two years. Two Dutch universities, Eindhoven and Wageningen had the next highest number of maximum scores.
U-Multirank is the most comprehensive ranking system internationally as it judges university performance on 31 indicators across five core categories: Teaching and learning, Regional engagement, Knowledge transfer, International orientation and Research. These are marked from “A” (very good) to “E” (weak).
Highlights of UCC’s performance includes:
- Research – UCC achieved A’s for all eight indicators that looked at citation rates, research publications, top citied publications, research income and post-doc positions amongst other things. This reflects the quality of our academic publications and reinforces our position as one of Europe’s leading research driven universities.
- Knowledge Transfer – UCC achieved four A’s out of a possible six, in co-publications with industry partners, patents awarded and publications cited in patents, reflecting the strength and quality of our relationships and collaborations with industry and our track record of commercialising research.
- International Orientation – we obtained five A’s out of six which reflects the international nature of the University evident in the growing number of international academic partnerships, international faculty, student mobility and research partnerships.
- Regional Engagement – UCC achieved two out of five possible A’s for the good employment rates of our graduates in the region which illustrates the University’s strong regional engagement and partnerships.
UCC’s President, Dr Michael Murphy, says:
“I firstly want to thank colleagues who invested an extraordinary amount of time collating and submitting the data, led by Dr. Rónán Ó Dubhghaill. While congratulating our other Irish institutions on our national performance, UCC’s staff and students should be delighted with this result for the University as it reflects our commitment to giving our students a superb education and preparing them for the world in which they will engage. It also highlights our world-class research, our strength in internationalisation and our close partnership with industry. It is fitting that an Irish institution has excelled across all examined indicators. It demonstrates that Ireland, and Europe more generally, can compete with the best universities globally and provide attractive opportunities to study, live and work. ”
The U-Multirank system is the largest global higher education evaluation system with 21,000 data scores on the institutional level and 37,000 on the field-base level, ranking. The data included in U-Multirank are drawn from a number of sources, including surveys of more than 85,000 students at participating universities - one of the largest samples in the world, offering students a unique peer perspective.
See Multi Rank for a full breakdown. An analysis of the findings is provided on University World News.
For further news on the rankings, Visit Here.