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FameLab Cork 2019

28 Feb 2019

FameLab is the world's leading science communication competition. It is designed to inspire, motivate and develop scientists and engineers to actively engage with the public and last night it achieved exactly that. 

Last night local scientists and science enthusiasts battled it out in the Cork heat of FameLab. FameLab is the world's leading science communication competition. It is designed to inspire, motivate and develop scientists and engineers to actively engage with the public and last night it achieved exactly that. With only three minutes the contestant managed to hook us in with fascinating talks ranging from how cow waste can bring us to space to how zombie cells are what's causing us to age! While the judges deliberated the crowd was also entertained by Rob O'Sullivan supporting another fantastic science communication event Bright Club! bright Club events features academics from science, humanities, and social science talking about their work alongside professional comedians and musicians. Education has never been more entertaining!

The winning talks were given by two Tyndall Institute PhD Students, Luiza Wasiewska and Andrea Pacheco who came first and second respectively. Luiza enthralled the crowd explaining about how E-Coli has an evil sister which pretends to be the good sister. Andrea fascinated by discussing how light can be used to determine if babies are receiving enough oxygen using only a balloon and a torch! The winners will move on to the national final which will be held in Dublin on 11th April 2019.

School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
