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Our Research

The School of Physics in UCC has a very active research programme. 

The research choices that exist cover a wide range of exciting topics including astrophysics, optics, atomic physics, quantum optics and photonics. The research groups are located in the School of Physics on campus and in Tyndall National Institute – UCC’s largest research institute.

We welcome applications from suitably qualified graduates to undertake postgraduate research leading to an MSc or PhD in any of our research groups listed below. Much of the research is performed collaboratively and there are excellent opportunities for students to broaden their skills and experience by spending time in one of our collaborating institutions in Europe, the USA, Asia or Australia. For information on how to apply visit our Postgraduate section. 

Affiliated Tyndall Research Groups

Physics Astrophysics Research group details
Physics Quantum Research Groups detail
Physics Photonics Research Groups detail

School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
