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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access my timetable

1. Semester and Timetable Information on Physics Department website

2. By visiting

3. Via Canvas portal  

How do I contact my lecturers

All contact details for Physics lecturers can be found under 'Our People' section of our website. 

What supports are available to me

All Physics staff are available to support you. The main office contact details are; email: or telephone: 021-4902468. UCC also have student support services available for all students whether you require career, exam, wellbeing or financial support, the list is endless, so do not hesitate to reach out and avail of these supports if and when they are needed: Student Support Services

Student Supports Image

If I feel unwell and think I may have Covid

If you have a cough or fever or breathlessness or loss or change in your senses of smell or taste, you may have COVID-19 and testing may be required.

If you have any of these symptoms, you should telephone the Student Health Service on (021) 4902311 or your own GP. 

Do not leave your home, go to the Student Health Centre, or your Doctor's surgery or or to an A+E as you may put others at risk and spread infection. Instead please restrict your movements until testing and isolating guidelines have been provided to you by HSE or by your GP. 

Continue with the advice you are provided with after contact is made with Student Health, HSE or your GP.  

Further information can be found on the HSE website on current Covid guidelines whichare updated regularly. 

I am lost on campus

If you are lost on campus and cannot find buildings or are looking for campus amenities, please see the UCC Campus Map

For details on rooms, visit here

How do I go about starting an undergraduate degree in Physics

First of all please visit the Study Physics section of our webpage. You will find here all our undergraduate courses that are offered. 

For details on how to apply to any of these courses click here. Feel free to contact us with any further queries you may have. 

How do I apply to study Physics at UCC as a mature student

The Mature Students Office at UCC offers great support and advise. From what is needed to be ready to apply, the application process, as well as support while studying as a mature student at UCC. Please visit their website here.

International students

The International Student Office in UCC provides a multitude of information from student support, studying, what is required when applying to UCC as an International student, visiting UCC and studying abroad. 

Entry Requirements

If you have queries on the entry requirements, points and course places in UCC then visit the following webpage.

Entering CK408 ‘Physics and Astrophysics’ via QQI (PLC/FETAC) route

There are currently 2 places available for students entering CK408 via the QQI route. Students taking this route need to complete certain course modules (PLC/FETAC) and then apply for CK408 via the CAO website. PLC (Post Leaving Cert) courses commonly work towards a FETAC (Further Education and Training Awards Council) qualification. PLC/ FETAC courses are not offered by the School of Physics at UCC but by many colleges in Cork as well as nationally. Details on this entry route can be found here. Specific details on modules needed to apply for CK408 can be found here and here.

Entering CK409 ‘Industrial Physics’ via QQI (PLC/FETAC) route

There is currently 1 place available for students entering CK409 via the QQI route. Students taking this route need to complete certain course modules (PLC/FETAC) and then apply for CK409 via the CAO website. PLC (Post Leaving Cert) courses commonly work towards a FETAC (Further Education and Training Awards Council) qualification. PLC/ FETAC courses are not offered by the School of Physics at UCC but by many colleges in Cork as well as nationally. Details on this entry route can be found here. Specific details on modules needed to apply for CK409 can be found here and here.

MSc or PhD in Physics

Please note we only offer research programmes at present and not taught programmes at PG level. If you wish to apply for an MSc or PhD in Physics visit here

You will find a list of our research groups and details on how to apply. Also, feel free to contact us with any further queries you may have. 

What careers could I potentially avail of once I finish my Physics programme

Career opportunities in physics are as varied as the subject itself. 

On completing a physics degree, there are two main career options – a choice between industry or academic research.

If you wish to continue and do research in Physics at UCC, visit here.

For career details click here

How do I stay connected with UCC after I finish my programme

Here at Physics we would love if you kept in touch with us after parting ways and here is how you can:

  1. Send your personal email address to to which we will keep on file for use as follows; outreach/events/alumni information and job opportunities. 
  2. Stay connected with us via social media - Facebook: School of Physics UCC | Cork | Facebook and Twitter: School of Physics UCC (@PhysicsUcc) / Twitter
  3. Visit our alumni section of our webpage and see recent graduate profiles and career information
  4. UCC also has an Alumni department to which you can get involved with in order to stay connected. See the benefits that are available to you as alumni of UCC here

How do I find out more about the Crawford Observatory

We are very lucky here in UCC that the Crawford Observatory remains a great asset to our campus.  

Further information can be found here. For visits, please contact the Visitors Centre, UCC. 

School of Physics Event Information

Should you wish to get involved with some of our events throughout the year, do check out our News and Events section on our webpage. 

Such annual events include; Physics Transition Year programme, Tyndall Lecture Series and we also have our weekly seminar series

For UCC open days and a chance to visit campus click here

If you would like to be added to our seminar/event mailing list, please email

Work Experience in the School of Physics

While we currently dont faciliate ongoing work experience in the school, we do invite those interested (usually 4th year secondary school students) to check out our annual transition year programme which is currently held in February every year. This week proves very popular for students so we encourage you to express your interest early! Visit here for further information on this programme. 

Information about Graduation/Conferring's

All students should be notified prior to graduation/conferrings by email with full details of the event.  

Visit the following UCC Conferrings webpage which will also provide you with further information such as: 

- conferring dates

- joint UCC parchments 

- revisiting past ceremonies so you get an idea of what the event format is like 

- relevant contact information 


Transcript Requests

The Student Records and Examinations office in UCC should be contacted if you require: 

- Academic Certification

- Change to details on record 

- Transcripts

- Student ID Cards 



School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
