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Astronaut Visit

26 Feb 2024

*pictured above, NASA Astronaut Dr. Steve Swanson with Midleton CBS students and associates*

Last Monday, Cork welcomed former NASA Astronaut and International Space Station Commander, Dr. Steve Swanson.

Dr. Swanson spoke with students and staff at Munster Technological University, Dell Technologies, and Midleton CBS Secondary School, sharing insights from his experiences as an astronaut and discussing the essential life skills that paved his path in NASA. 

Steve's experience includes two Space Shuttle flights, STS-117 and STS-119, and flying on the Russian Soyuz space capsule.

Throughout his career, Dr. Swanson undertook four spacewalks, journeyed over 83 million miles, and spent 196 days in space. He is a recipient of the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal. Steve’s story highlights the limitless opportunities that exist for the next generation of STEM leaders whose curiosity and creativity will shape our world. This event was organised through the International Space School Educational Trust (ISSET) and was kindly sponsored by Dell Technologies.

One of our Physics research students, Jack Enright volunteers with the International Space School Educational Trust (ISSET) which is a UK based organisation dedicated to leveraging the wonders of space exploration to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers. Throughout his time with them, Jack has helped over 1,000 secondary school students in the UK to conceptualise experiments to be launched to the International Space Station (ISS) with some being selected to be designed and sent to the ISS on board SpaceX resupply missions.

Last week marks only the beginning of Ireland and ISSET. We hope to soon see Irish secondary school students launching their experiments to the International Space Station. Jack Enright is an alumnus of UCC Mathematics and Physics and Midleton CBS and is currently working with Professor Seamus Davis at the University of Oxford/University College Cork.  


NASA Astronaut and Physics Student holding Jersey

Dr. Steve Swanson, NASA with Jack Enright, School of Physics, UCC/Oxford

School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
