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Staff Common Room

Staff Common Room
University College Cork Staff Common Room is a centrally located resource for all employees of the University. Providing a variety of snacks and light meals in congenial surroundings, the Staff Common Room is a place to meet friends and colleagues and escape from the pressures of work for a short while. The Staff Common Room also runs a number of events throughout the year for members.
Membership of the Staff Common Room is open to all staff on payment of a subscription (currently €7.00 per month, salary deductible). As the Staff Common Room has a bar licence, it is necessary for new members to be proposed and seconded by an existing member. A full list of members is available for consultation in the Common Room or you may contact any of the Staff Common Room Committee in order to establish current member’s names.
We would encourage staff to take out membership, and enjoy the facilities with colleagues in the unique surroundings the Staff Common Room offers.
Staff Common Room Application Form
Please return completed form to: UCC Staff Common Room Membership Secretary, Ryan Fitzgerald, Office of Corporate & Legal Affairs, 1.30, East Wing (ryan.fitzgerald@ucc.ie)