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Solidarity Fund

Sanctuary Solidarity Fund

In 2019, UCC University of Sanctuary Working Group set up the Sanctuary Solidarity Fund.  This fund is managed by UCC's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Unit and overseen by the University of Sanctuary Working Group Finance Subcommittee. It is designed to support the cultivation of UCC staff and students’ solidarity with asylum seeker, refugee and vulnerable migrant groups, individuals and families through external outreach activities. Following this, a call was put out for submissions to the Solidarity Fund for funding.

Applications were invited for small projects under this Fund, which sought to provide funding for refugee-related initiatives in various areas, including:

  • Workshops
  • Outreach
  • Production of materials (e.g. guidelines)
  • Transport
  • Event catering
  • An event for Refugee Week 2020 (Feb 3-7 inclusive) or other public event
  • Other

The initiatives that were awarded funding in early 2020 were the following:

Name   Staff/Student Initiative
Rola Rola Abu Zeid-O'Neill Staff Workshop in East Cork schools
Danielle Byrne Staff Guidance for asylum seekers, refugees around entry to UG courses
Raphael Cherif Dean Student Movie Night & Snack & Chat
Nichola Dressel Student Football club project for kids in Drishane Castle
Lyndsey El Amoud Staff Travel costs for lecture series (attendees - refugees, asylum seekers)
Ceangal Enactus Student Ceangal business model expansion
Tinashe Madamombe Student Safe Space for Refugees/Asylum Seekers
Kelly Mc Eveney Student FGM Panel Discussion
Nita Mishra Staff The Moving Museum
Cara Nine Staff Two speakers from Direct Provision for PH3045 module
Mary O'Donnell Student Concert
Kathy O'Hare Student One Voice - live radio broadcast & assoc. workshop
Vera Stojanovic Student Summer Camp for children in DP
Vera Stojanovic Student Weekly dance class
Vera Stojanovic Student Volunteering showcase
Gertrude Cotter Staff PME TY Workshop
Claire Dorrity Staff UNICEF talk for Refugee Week 2020


Other portions of the Fund were allocated to support the children's Easter and Christmas parties for children living in Direct Provision in/round the Cork area, which are organised by Mike Fitzgibbon and Dr Jacqui O'Riordan in UCC.

We were also happy to be able to contribute to a hardship fund for refugee and asylum-seeking students in UCC who are not already in receipt of a bursary such as the Sanctuary Scholarship.

Covid-19 update: As a number of these events/initiatives were no longer possible under the necesary restrictions, some were restructured slightly while keeping in the same vein as that which got the funding, such as moving face-to-face training to an online offering.  Others kindly offered the funding back so that it could be used for outreach and support to reidents of DP centres during this crisis.  We would ilke to thank most sincerely all those who returned the funding for this purpose.  As a result, we were very happy to be able to support the Sanctuary Masks Initiative by Vera Stojanovic of BetterTogether Cork and assisted by Cork Migrant Centre, UCC University of Sanctuary, UCC Feminist, Fáilte Refugees Societies, and designer Charlotte Cargin.  See news report here:


Sanctuary Masks Initiative


Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit

An tAonad Comhionnanais, Éagsúlachta agus Ionchuimsithe

South Lodge, College Road, University College, Cork, T12 RXA9
