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Wednesday 7th March

The role of the trade union movement in equality issues in the higher education sector (NWCR, 13:00)

Ms Joan Donegan, General Secretary of the Irish Federation of University Teachers, will speak on the issue of the TU movement and Equality issues. Increasingly precarious work can leave many people vulnerable to being treated inequitably. Unions play a key role in supporting people to seek correction of these conditions and in some cases to pursue equality related cases under many of the grounds. Joan will explore this role and discuss the type of equality related cases that require the support of their union.


How to be a good LGBT Ally: at home, at work and in everyday life (Creative Zone, 17:30)


Bella FitzPatrick, ShoutOut

Margie Fennelly, Loving Our Out Kids

Sara-Jane Cromwell, TENI founding member

Karen Cooke, LGBT Allies organisation, University of Cardiff, Enfys

Padraig Rice (chair), Cork LGBT Inter-Agency Group


The UCC LGBT Staff Network, in conjunction with our Tyndall National Institute branch, are proud to present a very special event for UCC Equality Week 2018: “How to be a good LGBT Ally: at home, at work and in everyday life”. At this event we will have a discussion with a distinguished panel of guest speakers about how to be a better parent, co-worker, friend & all-round ally to LGBT people. The panel will be chaired by Padraig Rice, a representative the Cork City LGBT Inter-Agency Group, who won the GALA Award for Ally of the Year in 2017.


Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit

An tAonad Comhionnanais, Éagsúlachta agus Ionchuimsithe

South Lodge, College Road, University College, Cork, T12 RXA9
