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Laboratory Technician in Vascular/Stem Cell Biology (2 Contract Posts)

Laboratory Technician in Vascular / Stem Cell Biology (2 Contract Posts)

College of Medicine and Health

Centre for Research in Vascular Biology (CRVB)

Experienced technicians with proven experience, ability, and drive are invited to apply for a technician position funded by Science Foundation Ireland and working in the Centre for Research in Vascular Biology in the Biosciences Institute, UCC ( This vascular stem cell programme has recently relocated from the Mayo Clinic, USA. 

The postholders will be required to work in an integrated multidisciplinary team exploring fundamental questions in cardiovascular biology including progenitor cell biology. This programme encompasses basic molecular and cell biology related to atherosclerosis and a range of cardiovascular diseases including myocardial infarction. Experimental studies encompass rodent and porcine models of coronary, pulmonary vascular and myocardial remodeling. Additional programme expertise includes cell therapy, novel device development and tissue engineering.

Significant experience of position holder in molecular/cell biology is essential. Experience with hematopoietic phenoyping and flow cytometryis highly desirable. Applicants must hold an appropriate qualification in a molecular/cellular biology subject and must have at least 5 years of research experience. The appointee will work in a programme directed by Professor Noel Caplice.

Salary scales (new entrants): €37,932 – €53,523
Scale A: €36,035 - €50,844

Application by way of CV including the names and email addresses of three academic referees, by Feb 5, 2007, to Professor Noel. Caplice, Centre for Research in Vascular Biology (CRVB), Biosciences Institute, University College / Tel:+ 353 21 4901329

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