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Study Leave

Study Leave


1. The University provides paid Study Leave for staff members undertaking courses of study which have been pre-approved as being relevant to the work of the department, if the demands of the department allow. Entitlement to Study Leave shall apply only to one primary degree/diploma course, in addition to one consequential postgraduate course.


2. Permanent full-time staff has an entitlement to ten (10) days study leave over the duration of a Degree or Diploma course which is relevant to the work of the department, if the demands of the department allow.

3. Temporary full-time staff also has an entitlement to a maximum of ten (10) days' study leave, based on the duration of service. Part-time staff have a pro-rata entitlement based on the nature of their contract.

4. Study Leave is subject to approval by the Head of Department.


5. The following factors will be taken into consideration when determining a staff member's eligibility for Study Leave:

o The relevance of the course of study to your present or future work

o The ability to demonstrate the benefit from attendance at your course of study

o The duration of the course and the qualification to be obtained


6. In order to establish whether an employee has an entitlement to study leave, he/she must write to the Manager, Training and Development, giving details of the course title, duration, year of study and relevance to the work of the department. Applicants will be informed in writing of his/her entitlement to study leave. When entitlement has been established, application for Study Leave is made by completing a Study Leave Application Form, which must be approved by the Head of Department and forwarded to Staff Wellbeing & Development (HR) via email to 

People & Culture Department

An Roinn Daoine agus Cultúir

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
