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Long Service Awards

Long Service Awards


1. The University provides a Long Service Award Scheme in acknowledgement and appreciation of the contribution and commitment of staff to its continuing success.


2. The Long Service Award Scheme will apply to all members of staff who have accrued 25 and 35 years service respectively, irrespective of the part-time or wholetime status of their contract(s) of employment. Service will be calculated based on commencement date of employment or on the basis of reckonable service with a view to ensuring an inclusive approach.


3. (i) Awards will be presented to staff members in the following categories:

  • Those with 25 years service &
  • Those with 35 years service

(ii) Service to be calculated as on 2nd October each year.

(iii) All staff members who have completed 25 years service will receive a suitable token and a gift(s) to the value of €300.

(iv) All staff members who have completed 35 years service will receive a suitable token and a gift(s) to the value of €300.


4. (i) The award ceremony will normally take place during the first term, to which the relevant staff members and their guest will be invited. Also invited will be the relevant Heads of School\Department and the relevant Senior College Officers.

(ii) The award ceremony will normally take the form of an evening reception including presentations and dinner.

(iii) The award will be presented by the President or his/her nominee. Updated: June 2012

People & Culture Department

An Roinn Daoine agus Cultúir

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
