- Home
- English Language Courses
- Price List & Term Dates
- Our English Courses and ILEP
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- Study and Work programme (General and Academic tracks)
- Academic English
- Academic English with IELTS 'Gateway to University Programme'
- Summer School 2025
- List of Summer courses, dates and prices
- English for Work and Life FT (General English)
- Academic English
- Business and Professional English
- English for Exams
- English for Work and Life 4H (General English)
- Business English
- Focus on Speaking
- Exam Skills (Cambridge C1 Advanced and IELTS)
- Access to Academic English for University Studies
- One-to-One
- Pre-sessional Programmes
- Part-Time Courses
- Courses for UCC Students
- Scholarship Programme for Asylum seekers and Refugees
- English Courses for university partners
- Teacher Training Courses
- Examinations
- How to apply
- News
- Accommodation
- Courses for UCC Staff
- New Students
- Get to know us
- Project 25, Celebrating 25 years of the Language Centre
- Open Nights
- Terms and Conditions
Get to know us
About the centre
Read our welcome from Director Leo Woods and discover more about our mission, vision and values.
Our contact email addresses
- General Enquiries: infolang@ucc.ie
- Academic Course Enquiries: academicenquiries@ucc.ie
- Teacher Training and Development Enquiries: TandD@ucc.ie
- Summer Programme Enquiries: eflsummerschool@ucc.ie
- Cambridge Exam Enquiries: cambridge@ucc.ie
Our staff
Name | Role | Telephone (prepend +353 (0) 490 for direct dial) | Office | |
Leo Woods | Director | lwoods@ucc.ie | 2635 | G.49 O'Rahilly Building (ORB) |
Brendan O'Se | Teaching Staff | b.ose@ucc.ie | 3617 | G.45 |
Brendan McEnery | Teaching Staff | b.mcenery@ucc.ie |
G.24 ORB |
Kerry Platts | Teaching Staff | kerry.platts@ucc.ie | 3883 | G.47 ORB |
Nadine Carroll | Teaching Staff | n.carroll@ucc.ie | 3883 |
G.47 ORB |
Sally Orren | Teaching Staff | sally.orren@ucc.ie | 3310 | G.48 ORB |
Aoife Ni Mhurchu | Teaching Staff | aoifenimhurchu@ucc.ie | On Leave | |
Julie Butters | Teaching Staff | julie.butters@ucc.ie | G.24 ORB | |
Michelle Finn | Teaching Staff | michelle.finn@ucc.ie | G.24 ORB |
Kerry Just | Teaching Staff | kerry.just@ucc.ie | G.24 ORB | |
Shane Sweeney | Teaching Staff | shane.sweeney@ucc.ie | G.24 ORB | |
Claire Louise Nesdale | Teaching Staff | clairelouise.nesdale@ucc.ie | G.24 ORB | |
Robert McCaul | Teaching Staff | robert.mccaul@ucc.ie | G.24 ORB | |
Sanaa Khabbar | Teaching Staff | sanaa.khabbar@ucc.ie | G.24 ORB | |
David Moran | Teaching Staff | DMoran@ucc.ie | 3286 | G.48 ORB |
Claire Maloney | Teaching Staff | claire.maloney@ucc.ie | G.24 ORB |
Vivienne Lordan | Administrative Staff | vlordan@ucc.ie | 3225 | G.37 ORB |
Joan O'Sullivan | Administrative Staff | j.osullivan@ucc.ie | 3872 | G.37 ORB |
Carolyn O'Brien | Administrative Staff | carolyn.obrien@ucc.ie | 3312 | G.29 ORB |
Lauren French | Administrative Staff | lauren.french@ucc.ie | 2898 | G.36 ORB |
Chris McMahon | Administrative Staff | chris.mcmahon@ucc.ie | 2641 | G.36 ORB |
Rita Flynn | Administrative Staff | r.flynn@ucc.ie | 3248 | G.29 ORB |
Ann O'Donovan | Administrative Staff | ann.odonovan@ucc.ie | 2564 | G.36 ORB |
Catherine O'Neill | Administrative Staff | catherineoneill@ucc.ie | 2043 | G.36 ORB |
Opening Hours and Location
Staff are available to respond to your questions and/or to process your course booking:
- Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00
We are situated on the ground floor of the O'Rahilly Building on UCC's main campus
- Main office: G36
- Resource Room: G29
- O'Rahilly Building Ground Floor Plan