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Cycling is an ideal means of transport to cover short and medium distances in the city. Given the fact of traffic congestion in peak hours, cycling can even be quicker than a car trip. It is environmental and wallet friendly, and your health may benefit from a little exercise.

UCC aims at improving conditions for cyclists on and around campus. Parking facilities are provided at all major UCC buildings (see UCC Campus Bike Parking Map). Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement at one or the other location. So bicycle parking facilities on Campus are systematically being addressed, improved and extended.

Together with Cork City Council, UCC is working on the installation of bicycle routes to College in order to make cycling to UCC safer and more comfortable.

Cycling on UCC Campus:

  • Cyclists are permitted to enter all Campus areas.
  • Pedestrians, however, have absolute priority on Campus, so cyclists are asked to cycle carefully and at slow speed.
  • Bicycles must only be parked at designated parking facilities provided.
  • All bicycles are left at owner’s risk. 

Read the full UCC Campus Cycling Policy.

For purchase, maintenance or repair of bicycles, see List of Bicycle Suppliers in Cork - list supplied by the Cork Cycling Campaign.

Also Transport and Mobility Forum present the  2019 Cork Cycle Route Map

2019 Cork Cycle Route Map

Two maps cover the wider City and the City Centre, with routes getting you from A to B across the city.

The routes were selected by experienced cyclists and consist of Greenways, cycle lanes (on-road or segregated), or just quiet residential roads.

The printed map will be available in various locations in the city (City Hall, City Library, bike shops etc),

On UCC Campus, a new large scale, sheltered and secure bike parking facility has become available in the Biosciences UG car park, with space for 45 bicycles.

More detailed info on this to follow soon.

TFI Bikes (Cork)

The Cork TFI Public Bike Sharing Scheme (formerly "CokeZero Bikes") offers over 300 bicycles at 36 stations throughout the city centre for short term use (including one-way trips). Supplementing longer walks or bus journeys, this can be the fastest way to get around the inner city.

The three stations closest to UCC are opposite the Main Gates at Western Rd., "Bandfield", College View, Gaol Cross, and Fitzgerald's Park. Tyndall Institute and the North Mall Campus are served by the stations at Granary Theatre (Dyke Parade) and the Mercy Hospital (Henry Street).  You will see these stations marked on the UCC Campus Map.

Annual membership is €10, and the first 30 mins of each trip are free of charge. For more information and sign up, visit TFI Bikes Pricing & Subscriptions.  


Buildings and Estates Office

Foirgnimh agus Eastáit

Western Road, Cork
