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1 Dec 2023

Dr. Pádraig Mac Cárthaigh had a very successful visit to Seville University this week where the plasma experimental device that was donated from Pádraig's group to the plasma physics group in Sevlle was put into operation with his assistance along with some of the enthusiastic PhD students in the research group of Dr. Manuel Garcia Muñoz and Dr. Eleonora Viezzer.

The photo shows Dr. Pádraig Mac Cárthaigh and PhD students Alfonso Rodrigues Gonzales and Fernando Puentes del Pozo with the donated Mirror Plasma Experiment.

In the next photo below you will see the First Mirror Plasma (region of purple light) achieved in Seville.

First Mirror Plasma


School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
