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Metahistory: History, Historians, and History-writing

13 Apr 2011

Metahistory: History, Historians, and History-writing

Metahistory: History, Historians, and History-writing in 19th Century Ireland


University College Cork, May 6 & 7, 2011.


Plenary Speakers: Shlomo Sand, University of Tel Aviv, author of The Invention of the Jewish People, and Tom Bartlett, University of Aberdeen, author of Theobald Wolfe Tone & Ireland: a History.

This workshop seeks to examine the importance of historical patterns of thought in nineteenth century Ireland. Speakers will address issues including the importance of historical memory, the development of archives and antiquarian societies, the use of history in literature, and the development of national museums and archives. Participants will interrogate the principal methodologies and theoretical influences upon nineteenth century scholars, and examine the impact that earlier histories had upon the writing of new fields, and the manner in which historical writing served a contemporary political and cultural need. Above all, this workshop seeks to address the nineteenth-century mind-set that created such a rich and seminal historiography.

Speakers include: James McGeachie (University of Ulster) on William Wilde; Brian Jackson (UCD) on Jesuit Historians; Ciaran Brady (TCD) on Prendergast and the Practise of History; Alan Ford (Nottingham University) on Views of the Reformation; Patrick Maume on William Cooke Taylor; Clare O’Hallaron (UCC) on Reception of Edmund Spenser; Fintan Cullen (Nottingham University) on Art, Union and Nationhood, and Hiram Morgan (UCC) on Fantasy Portraits of the Gaelic Chiefs.

Location: Workshop sessions are all in Boole 2.

School of History

Scoil na Staire

Tyrconnell,Off College Road,Cork,Ireland.
