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CELT publishes new electronic editions
CELT publishes new electronic editions
CELT (Corpus of Electronic Texts) is Ireland's longest running, open access, Humanities Computing project.
The following electronic text editions are now available at CELT:
- A mediaeval handbook of gynaecology and midwifery [...], Latin text, ed. Winifred Wulff, Irish Texts 5 (1934) 13–85.
- An Argument on Behalf of the Catholics of Ireland, by Theobald Wolfe Tone, in: Life of Theobald Wolfe Tone, ed. by William Theobald Wolfe Tone (Washington 1826) 342–366.
- The White Cat of Drumgunniol, by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, in: Best Ghost Stories of J. S. Le Fanu (New York 1964) 408–418.
- The Gaelic abridgment of the Book of Ser Marco Polo, ed. Whitley Stokes, ZCP 1 (1896/97) 244–273; 362–424. English translation.
- 'An account of Philaretus (=Robert Boyle) during his Minority' by Robert Boyle, in: The Life of the honourable Robert Boyle, ed. by Thomas Birch, 5 vols., London 1744, vol. 1, 6–25.
- Observations on the Articles of Peace between James Earl of Ormond for King Charles the First on the one Hand, and the Irish Rebels and Papists on the other Hand [...], by John Milton, London 1835, 247–270.
- Ranna an aeir [The Constellations], ed. by A. O. Anderson, Revue Celtique 30 (1909) 404–417. (The English translation is included in the Irish file.)
Beatrix Faerber and Hiram Morgan, CELT, School of History, University College Cork.