Current Students

Current Students
This section contains some useful resources for current visiting, undergraduate and postgraduate students of the School of History, UCC.
Writing History Workshops
The purpose of these workshops is to assist students to become aware of the processes involved in academic and critical writing. Each session will introduce students to a process employed in scaffolding successful academic writing: close reading, note taking, journal keeping, concept mapping, free writing, project drafting, project reviewing and managing the writing project. These workshops will be interactive and will encourage students to discuss writing as a process and to improve their writing skills through workshop exercises.
This workshop supports
HI2104 Special Research Project
HI3302 Special Research Project
Writing support on the web
RED (Resources for Education) @ University College Cork
OWLS (Online Writing Labs) are popular in many universities and colleges. Purdue University hosts a useful Online Writing Lab.
Writing History (Boston College)
Writing about History (University of Toronto)
How to write a good History essay ('History Today')
Steps for writing a History paper (University of California Los Angeles)
Resources for reading and writing History (University of California Berkley)
Zotero, produced by the Center for History and New Media of George Mason University, is a free, open source reference management software to manage bibliographic data. Features include automatic generation of citations, footnotes and bibliographies.
Download WritingYourDissertationGuide