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Mark Text File Format for import

Import TEXT File – Discoverer Report Templates

  • The Import Marks Screen in DMIS points users towards to location for generating Import Mark File Templates.
  • To access the DMIS Discoverer Reports, select the option – Reports – Generate Discoverer Report.
  • Selecting the Generate Discoverer Report menu option will produce a New Internet Explorer Browser Tab Window which is entitled – Enter connection details.
  • Your DMIS User Id will be automatically populated for you. Your password is your DMIS password.
    All other input fields on the login screen do not need to be modified.
  • Once successfully logged into the Discoverer Report section of DMIS, locate the Report Section named – IMPORT MARKS TEMPLATES:
  • Click the Plus Sign in the Blue Triangle to Expand out the list of available reports.
  • To generate an Import Marks Template, enter the Academic Year, Module Code and Exam Month.
  • Pressing the Go button will produce a list of all students, by either Student Id or Exam Number, that are registered for the Module and Exam month.
  • The list of Student Ids or Exam Numbers will relate to a specific Element Code that is setup in your Module Structure.
    Example – The Template produced for HI2015 – Month 5 – is for the EX Element Code. This matches the Element Code that has been specified in the Element Structure.
  • Import Marks Templates can be exported from the Discoverer Reports application to create TXT tab delimited files, which are used in the Mark Uploading.
  • See Entering Student Marks – By Student List & Module Element for a more detailed breakdown of the data formatting / structure of a file that is to be used to upload Marks to DMIS.

Academic Systems Administration Office

2nd Floor, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, University College Cork (UCC), Western Road, Cork
