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SFI Research Infrastructure Programme Awards

22 Jan 2024

Congratulations to Professor Alix McCollam and Dr. Emauele Pelucchi (Tyndall) on obtaining SFI Research Infrastructure Programme Awards. 

A €21 million investment in eight research infrastructure projects through SFI Ireland was announced in January 2024 which will contribute to the advancement of high-quality and high-impact research activities. 

UCC were lucky to have obtained 4 of these awards, 2 of these awarded to Tyndall National Institute

The School of Physics, UCC congratulates Professor Alix McCollam (SALI Professor of Quantum Technology) and also Dr. Emanuale Pelucchi (Head of Photonics Group, Tyndall) on obtaining their project awards as outlined below. 

Details obtained from the following SFI document

Lead Applicant Research Body Proposed Title Award
Alix McCollam University College Cork

An Irish Microkelvin Laboratory for Advanced Quantum Materials Research

(which will provide experimental facilities, unique in Europe, to discover and explore electronic and magnetic properties of novel quantum materials at the lowest accessible temperatures)

Emanuele Pelucchi Tyndall National Institute (TNI)

IQ: the Irish Quantum technology facility for advanced qubit manipulation

(which will establish a world-class facility for developing devices for quantum-bit generation and manipulation, explicitly designed to facilitate the ‘fusion’ between integrated silicon electronics, hybrid photonic devices and novel materials)


As quoted by Professor Philip Nolan, Director General, Science Foundation Ireland: 

"The Research Infrastructure Programme funds state-of-the-art research infrastructure to drive excellent and highly collaborative research and innovation. The programme promotes transformative collaborations, in which increased inter-institutional and national sharing of research infrastructure across academia and enterprise makes for better research and accelerated innovation."

*Pictured above is Professor Alix McCollam and pictured below is Dr. Emanuele Pelucchi 

SFI, Tyndall & School of Physics logos and Headshot







Further details on these awards can be found here and congratulations to all involved! 

School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
