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National Science Foundation (NSF) Award

11 Aug 2023

Huge congratulations to Professor Saibal Roy of Tyndall National Institute and School of Physics, along with the others as mentioned below, on this funded tripartite US-Ireland project awarded by NSF and due to begin in January 2024.

Full project details as follows: 

Project Title: U.S.-Ireland R&D Partnership: Highly efficient magnetoelectric nano-antenna arrays with wide operational bandwidth.”

Project Outline: The size and efficiency of standard antennas are intimately tied to the electromagnetic wavelength. This fact limits their size and performance across a wide spectrum of frequencies. To address this issue, we (Tyndall-School of Physics, UCC, Ireland, ISS Lab, University of Utah, USA and ECIT, Queens University Belfast, UK) proposed in the above project to design and develop disruptive core technologies for next generation magnetoelectric (ME) (combination of piezoelectric and magnetostrictive nano-patterns) antennas ranging from meso- to nano-scale covering a frequency range from ~10’s of kHz up to ~10’s of GHz.

Hence, this project will enable developing a complete MEMS/NEMS (micro/nano electro mechanical systems) scale disruptive solution, which includes design of very small, efficient, novel nonlinear wideband ME antenna as well as magnonic (Phonon-magnon-photon coupled tuneable spin wave based) ME antenna for high frequency (HF) communications (i.e., 5G and 6G), to low frequency (LF) communications for lossy environments (e.g., underground or underwater), further enabling various IoT based next generation applications.

The figure above: Simulation of magnetostrictive nanowires antenna on piezoelectric substrate to calculate the reflection coefficients (   

The Proposal has recently been funded in the US-Ireland (north-South) tripartite R&D partnership program after a stringent tripartite peer review processes.

Participating PIs/Institutions: Professor Saibal Roy, Tyndall National Institute & School of Physics, UCC, Ireland; Professor Shad Roundy, Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, USA; Dr. Gareth Conway, Communications Engineering, Queens University Belfast, UK

Total Funding: ~ €1.1 Million

Project Duration: 3 years, starting from 1-1-2024 to 31-12-2027

School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
