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APS Minneapolis Visit

8 Mar 2024

Niall Kennedy and Joe Carroll from the Macroscopic Quantum Matter group, School of Physics, UCC are currently at APS in Minneapolis this week attending the March Meeting 2024

"American Physical Society March Meeting is a scientific research conference that brings together more than 13,000 physicists from around the world to showcase their work, connect with others, and discover groundbreaking physics research."

Niall Kennedy presented their work on Discovery of Orbital Ordering in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x and Joe Carroll presented a poster entitled "Pair Wavefunction Symmetry in UTe2 from Zero-Energy Surface State Visualisation."

In 2024, the 125th anniversary of APS is being celebrated and both Niall's presentation and Joe's poster were well received. Well done to all involved! 

Pictured above is Niall Kennedy presenting and pictured below is Joe Carroll with his poster. 

Poster presentation


School of Physics

Scoil na Fisice

Room 213 (Physics Office), 2nd floor, Kane Science Building, University College Cork, Ireland.,
