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Warrior in Silk Stockings: The Wartime Correspondence of Kathleen Harriman

Professor Geoff Roberts, School of History, will present a paper, ‘Warrior in Silk Stockings: The Wartime Correspondence of Kathleen Harriman’ 12noon, Monday, 15th September in the Tyrconnell Seminar Room, Tyrconnell is located on Perrott Avenue.
Daughter of aristocratic titan Averell Harriman, Kathleen Harriman Mortimer was born to wealth, beauty, and blueblood values. But when her father plunged into the politics of World War II as President Roosevelt’s special envoy to Britain and later the ambassador to Russia, she went with him, going from working as a wide-eyed ingénue reporter to enchanting both Churchill and Stalin.
Former Head of the School of History, Prof. Roberts’s research interests include 20th century International Relations with special reference to the Second World War and the Cold War, and Russian/Soviet History. His most recent monograph, Stalin’s General: The Life of Georgy Zhukov (New York, 2012) has been widely praised. The seminar will be held in the Seminar Room, Tyrconnell, at 12noon, next Monday, 15th September. Tyronnell is located on Perrott Avenue, leading to Hayfield Manor. The building is at the corner of the cul-de-sac immediately before the entrance to Hayfield Manor see location.
With best wishes for the new academic year,
Dr Diarmuid Scully,
School of History Research Committee