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RFES Kane Building Refurbishment

This project is funded under the Higher Eduation Authority (HEA) Research Facilities Enhancement Scheme (RFES). It involved the refurbishment of Chemistry and Physics Labs, upgrade of the mechanical and electrical services & general refurbishment/decoration works located in the Kane Science Building. 

Project Manager

Delivered by the UCC Capital Projects Team

Design Team

RKD -  Architects

CDGA - Mechanical & Electrical

Horgan Lynch - Civil & Structural

Bruce Shaw - Quantity Surveyors

Safety Consultant - Jim Horgan

Enabling works Contractor

McNamara Builders - the enabling works were completed in September 2008.

Main Contractor

John Sisk & Son Contractors 


For further information please contact the Director of Buildings and Estates at

Buildings and Estates Office

Foirgnimh agus Eastáit

Western Road, Cork
