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Developments in Mental Health Law to be Discussed at UCC Conference

The annual Mental Health and Capacity Law conference takes place on Saturday 6 April at Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, UCC.
This conference is jointly hosted by the Centre for Criminal Justice & Human Rights, School of Law, UCC and the Irish Mental Health Lawyers Association.
Topics to be considered will include recent case-law on the Mental Health Act 2001, developments in capacity law and comparative reflections on mental health law in England & Wales.
The conference is topical as there have been two relevant amending Acts passed in 2018:
- the Mental Health (Renewal Orders) Act 2018
- the Mental Health (Amendment) Act 2018 [not yet commenced]
In addition, discussions are continuing on the implications of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015, due to be commenced in 2020. The commencement of this Act will further the state’s progress towards implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which Ireland ratified in 2018.
Details of the conference may be found at
For further information please contact Deirdre Kelleher, deirdrekelleher@ucc.ie or on 021 490 3642
Register For the Conference at https://www.uccconferencing.ie/product/ccjhrimhlaconference6thapril/