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Publications Overview
The Business Law Network - Publications Overview

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Recent Publications
To view a selection of recent publications from the Business Law Network academic staff, click the link below.
- Donnelly, M. (with McCarthy, J.) TheLaw of Credit and Security (3rd edn) (Dublin: Round Hall, 2021)
- White, F: Commercial Law (Dublin: Thomson Round Hall, 3rd edn, 2021)
- White, F: Commercial and Economic Law in Ireland. International Encyclopaedia of Laws (Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 2nd ed., 2020
- Lynch Fannon, I and Cuddihy, K: Corporations and Partnerships Law: Ireland. (Second Edition) International Encyclopaedia of Laws (Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 2016)
- Donnelly, M: The Law of Credit and Security (2nd edn) (Dublin: Round Hall, 2015)
- White, F: Commercial and Economic Law in Ireland. International Encyclopaedia of Laws (Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 4th ed., 2015)
- Donnelly, M & White, F: Consumer Law: Rights and Regulation (Dublin: Thomson Round Hall, 2014)
Book Chapters & Edited Collections
- McCarthy, J., and Donnelly, M., ‘SMEs and European Capital Markets: Understanding the Rationale for Reform') in I. Chiu and I. MacNeil (eds.), Edward Elgar Research Handbook on Global Capital Markets (forthcoming)
- McCarthy, J. (2023) ‘SMEs and FinTech in the European Union: How to Balance Innovation and Regulation?') in W. Nelson (ed.), Advances in Business and Management (Volume 20) (Nova Publishers)
- White, F (2022) “Irish Consumer Law: evolution and Europeanisation”, in Consumer Protection in the European Union: challenges and opportunities, (EU Commission, 2022)
- Donnelly, M. (2019) 'Hidden in Plain Sight: Gender in the Irish Financial Crisis' In: Law and Gender in Modern Ireland: Critique and Reform. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
- Lynch Fannon I: ‘Apple Tax- The Core Issues’ in Clair Gammage, Tonia Novitz (eds) Sustainable Trade, Investment and Finance: Toward responsible and coherent regulatory frameworks. (Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2019) pp. 331-335
- Sjafjell, B and Lynch Fannon I: (eds) Creating Corporate Sustainability: Gender as an Agent for Change (Cambridge University Press, 2018)
- Lynch Fannon I: ‘A Toad we have to Swallow’: Perceptions and Participation of Women in Business and the Implications for Sustainability.’ in Sjafjell, B and Lynch Fannon I (eds): Creating Corporate Sustainability: Gender as an Agent for Change (Cambridge University Press, 2018)
- Lynch Fannon I and Sjafjell B: ‘Corporations, Sustainability and Women’ Chapter 1 in Sjafjell, B and Lynch Fannon I (eds): Creating Corporate Sustainability: Gender as an Agent for Change (Cambridge University Press, 2018)
- Sjafjell B and Lynch Fannon I: ‘Corporate Sustainability: Gender as an Agent for Change? In Sjafjell, B and Lynch Fannon I (eds): Creating Corporate Sustainability: Gender as an Agent for Change (Cambridge University Press, 2018)
- White, F: Chapter 59A on Ireland in Thomson Reuters International Contract Law Manual (US: Pace Institute for International Commercial Law, 2018).
- White, F: 'Directive 85/374/EEC concerning liability for defective products: in the name of harmonisation, the internal market and consumer protection' in Professor Paula Giliker (ed.) Research Handbook on EU Tort Law (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2017)
- Hedley, S: Corrective Justice - An Idea Whose Time Has Gone? in M Del Mar and M Lobban (eds), Law in Theory and History – New Essays on a Neglected Dialogue (Hart, 2016)
- Lynch Fannon, I: ‘NAMA- an Irish case study on the ‘Bad Bank’ Option’ in Omar P. and Parry R: (Eds.) Proceedings from the INSOL Academic Forum, Berlin 2016. INSOL Europe (2016)
- Lynch Fannon, I: ‘Comparative Corporate Law Theory and Harmonisation of EU Insolvency Law: Understanding the Impact of Path Dependency.’ In Omar, P and Veder M: (eds) Teaching and Research in International Insolvency Law: Challenges and Opportunities. Proceedings of the INSOL-NAICL Joint Insolvency Conference, Leiden. The Netherlands, 14-15 April 2014. INSOL Europe (2015)
- Lynch Fannon, I: Insolvency and Rescue in Thomas B Courtney, (ed.) Bloomsbury’s Professional’s Guide to the Companies Act 2014. (Bloomsbury, Hayward's Heath, 2015)
Peer-Reviewed Journals
- McCarthy, J., 'The Evolving Sandbox Approach in the EU's Regulation of Financial Technology' (forthcoming, 2023) Law, Innovation & Technology
- Lefeuvre, E., and McCarthy, J., 'An Emergency of Banking and of Law: The Resolution of Anglo Irish Bank' (forthcoming, 2023) Irish Judicial Studies Journal
- White, F., “Case 65/20, VI v KRONE – Verlag Gesellschaft mbH & Co KG: the scope of Directive 85/374/EEC clarified in relation to products, producers and inaccurate health advice”, (2022) European Journal of Consumer Law – Revue Européenne de Droit de la Consommation, 413-422.
- McCarthy, J., 'The Prospect of a Digital Euro: Incentives, Design, and Legal Effects’ (2022) 29(7) Commercial Law Practitioner 135
- McCarthy, J., The Regulation of RegTech and SupTech in Finance: Ensuring Consistency in Principle and in Practice' (2022) Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance (https://doi.org/10.1108/JFRC-01-2022-0004)
- McCarthy, J., 'Cryptocurrencies, Digital Money and Regulatory Damage’ (2022) 37(8) Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 282
- McCarthy, J., 'Distributed Ledger Technology and Financial Market Infrastructures: Proposal for an EU Pilot Regulatory Regime' (2022) 17(3) Capital Markets Law Journal 288
- Lefeuvre, E., and McCarthy, J., 'Lessons for a Model of Work-Out Agency in the EU: The Irish Example of NAMA' (2022) 37(5) Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 177
- White, F., “Regulation of B2C Contracts for the Supply of Digital Content and Digital Services: What to Expect from Directive 2019/770”, (2021) 28(8) Commercial Law Practitioner 156-162
- McCarthy, J., 'Evaluating the EU's Digital Finance Strategy: Ambitious Glimpses of Future Regulation?' (2021) 36(9) Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 379
- White, F., “A New Chapter in Consumer Sale of Goods Law: Directive 2019/771 on Sale of Goods” (2021) 28(5) Commercial Law Practitioner 90-96.
- McCarthy, J.,'FinTech, Digital Finance and the EU's Regulatory Choices' (2020) 35(11) Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 463
- McCarthy, J., ‘European Capital Markets Union: A Revived Project but A Broader Agenda’ (2020) 35(10) Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 383
- McCarthy, J., 'A Class Apart: The Relevance of the EU Preventive Restructuring Directive for Small and Medium Enterprises' (2020) 21(4) European Business Organization Law Review 895
- Donnelly, M 'The UTCD in the Courts: A New Locus in Policing Unfair Contract Terms'. (2020) Commercial Law Practitioner, 27 (4):74-83
- Lynch Fannon, I; Gant J.L.L; Finnerty A: ‘Special Report: Judicial Co-Operation in the European Union: Insolvency and Rescue.’ The Thomson Reuters – City Law School Insolvency Lecture. (2020) 2 International and Commercial and Company Law Review 65.
- McCarthy, J: 'Preferential Creditor Status in Irish Corporate Insolvency Law: A Need for More Priorities?', (2020) 4 Irish Judicial Studies Journal 62.
- Lynch Fannon, I: ‘An Irish Perspective on the Cram down provisions in the Preventive Restructuring Directive 1023/2019 EU.’ Guest Editorial: (2019) 27(3) International Insolvency Review 1
- Donnelly, M. & White, F: 'Digital Content and Consumer Protection: An Empirical Study of Supplier Compliance with Consumer Information Obligations', 35 (2019) Computer Law & Security Review: The International Journal of Technology Law and Practice
- Donnelly, M. & White, F: 'A nudge in the right direction? Trader engagement with online dispute resolution in the European Union', (2019) Journal of Business Law, pp. 388-406
- McCarthy, J: 'What Happens Next? The EU's Efforts in Regulating the Growth of Fintech' (2020) 34 Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 404.
- Lynch Fannon, I and Gant J.L.L 'Judicial Co-operation in economic recovery (JCOERE)' Eurofenix Winter 2018/19 28
- McCarthy, J: 'Something Old, Something New? The Potential Impact of the EU Preventive Restructuring Directive through an Irish Case Study' (2019) 16 International Corporate Rescue 356.
- McCarthy, J: 'Challenges in Finding the ‘Right’ Approach to SME Rescue: The Example of Reforms to the Irish Examinership Process' (2019) 32 Insolvency Intelligence 43.
- Chris Umfreville, Paul Omar, Heike Lücke, Irene Lynch Fannon, Michael Veder and Laura Carballo Piñeiro: ‘Recognition of UK Insolvency Proceedings Post-Brexit: The Impact of a ‘No Deal’ Scenario.’ (2018) 27 International Insolvency Review, pp. 422-444.
- Donnelly, M: ‘The European Union (Payment Services) Regulations 2018: Application and Implications' (2018) 25 (2):Commercial Law Practitioner, pp. 35-43
- Hedley, S: 'Wall v National Parks and Wildlife Service' (2017) 7 Irish Journal of Legal Studies
- Lynch Fannon, I: ‘Reckless Trading: Good and Bad Risk Taking in Irish Companies.’ (2017) Commercial Law Practitioner, pp. 7-13
- White, F: 'Late Payment in B2B Commercial Transactions: legal regulation meets commercial reality' (2017) 24 Commercial Law Practitioner, pp163-170.
- McCarthy, J: 'The Credit Guarantee Scheme: An Analysis of Recent Reforms and of its Performance to Date' (2017) 24 Commercial Law Practitioner 183.
- Donnelly, M: 'Payments in the Digital Market: Evaluating the Contribution of Payment Services Directive II” (2016) 32(6) Computer Law and Security Review, pp. 827-839
- Hedley, S: ‘What is “unjust enrichment” for?’ (2016) 16(2) Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, pp. 333-345
- Hedley, S: 'Making sense of negligence' (2016) 36 Legal Studies, pp. 491-512
- Hedley, S: 'Farewell to Unjustified Enrichment?’ - A Common Law Response (2016) 20 Edinburgh Law Review, pp. 326-337
- Lynch Fannon, I: 'Managing Waste: the gap between EU Directives and Corporate Law in Member States: A mess of case law needing a clean-up.’ (2016) Environmental Liability, Law, Policy and Practice, pp. 211-217
- Lynch Fannon, I: ‘Crystallisation of Floating Charges: Reform and Clarity.’ (2016) Commercial Law Practitioner, pp. 209-213
- Donnelly, M: “Consumer Protection in Financial Services: Evaluating the Impact of the Financial Crisis” (2015) 2(1) Irish Business Law Review, pp. 1 – 10
- Hedley, S: Students as Litigants: A Public Law or a Private Law Issue? (2015) 14 Hibernian Law Journal, pp. 1-15
- Lynch Fannon, I:‘The Fixed/Floating Charge in Irish Law: The Path to Clarity.’ (August/September 2015) Commercial Law Practitioner, pp. 187-195
- Lynch Fannon, I: 'The End of the Celtic Tiger: an Irish Case Study on the failure of Corporate Governance and Company Law'. (2015) 66 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, pp. 1-21
- Lynch Fannon, I: ‘Examinership: Approval of Schemes: Re SIAC Construction Ltd and in the Matter of the Companies (Amendment) Act 1990 (as amended). [2014] IESC 25.’ (January 2015) Commercial Law Practitioner, pp. 3-12
Book Reviews
- McCarthy, J., Book Review (Consumer and SME Credit Law, by Nora Bausang) (2022) 5 Journal of Business Law 454
- Hedley, S Book Review: 'Contract as Promise' by Charles Fried (2016) Law Quarterly Review, 132 (4) pp. 678-680
- Hedley, S Book Review: 'Private Law and the Rule of Law' by Lisa M. Austin and Dennis Klimchuk (eds) (2015) Law Quarterly Review, 131 (October) pp. 679-681
Blog Posts
- McCarthy, J: ‘Enhancing Regulatory Powers to Tackle White Collar Crime’ (April 2019) – Criminal Justice in Ireland blog: https://criminaljusticeinireland.wordpress.com/