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News and Events

Climate Law & Governance for Engaged Citizenship

27 Oct 2020

Online Digital Badge programme for first year, undergraduate UCC students

We are offering a short online course on Climate Law & Governance for Engaged Citizenship during Semester 1.

Are you a first year UCC undergraduate student interested in learning more about climate law and governance with Dr Áine Ryall at the Centre for Law & the Environment

If so, submit your Expression of Interest here by 1 November 2020: LINK TO EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FORM

Note: the number of places available on this course is limited.

About the course

This short course creates a dedicated forum for first year undergraduate students to engage with, and reflect on, key elements of climate law and governance. 

The focus is on developments in climate law and governance in the contemporary Irish context.

Through a mix of online seminars (3 x 2-hour seminars), featuring opportunities for group discussion, and advance preparation of selected texts and other learning resources, this course will develop your skills to engage in the ongoing public debate on the climate crisis.

The course will provide a ‘taster’ for first year students with an interest in climate action and active citizenship.  Our aim is to harness the enthusiasm generated by student-led initiatives to date, and to equip students to participate effectively in climate policy debates.

The three seminars for this short course are expected to run over three consecutive weeks, starting during the week commencing 9 November 2020.  Exact dates and times for the seminars will be confirmed as soon as we have identified the course participants.

There will be a choice of assessment format: a 1,500 word report; or a 10-minute video.

We are delivering this course in collaboration with UCC Skills Centre.

The Centre for Law & the Environment is affiliated with UCC’s flagship Environmental Research Institute.

This Digital Badge programme is part of our research project Teaching Environmental Law for Policy Innovation & Impact funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education and the Higher Education Authority.


School of Law

Scoil an Dlí

Room 1.63, Aras na Laoi, T12 T656
