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Re-gaining Independence: Polish and Irish ways 29 September 2018, University College Cork, Aula Maxima

29 Sep 2018

 The conference “Regaining Independence: Polish and Irish ways” is a celebration of the centenary of the reshaping of Modern Europe. This unique event seeks to commemorate and critically reflect on the road to national independence in Poland and Ireland and brings together leading scholars from Poland and UCC.

For much of modern history, Poles, in a similar fashion to the Irish, have asked themselves how their respective countries could be restored to their former independent condition. Moreover, an assessment of the type of country to which both the Irish and the Poles aspired to, will be centre stage.

Poles, like the Irish, regained their freedom because they lived among ancient wrongs and glories. The legacy of conquest and displacement played a central role in the national consciousness of both nations. Subsequently, it took some time to build socially cohesive societies.


10 -10.10 Welcome

10.10-10.40 Mr Gabriel Doherty (UCC) - (Dis)united Ireland? Paths to independence, 1800-1949

10.40-11.10 Dr Bozena Cierlik (UCC) –“For your Freedom and Our” Polish military effort in WWI

11.10-11.40 Prof J.J. Lee (NYU) – Reflections on Irish independence

11.40-12.10 Prof Iwona Sakowicz-Tebinka (Gdansk University) – Question of Poland in British eyes on the eve of the WWI.  

12.10-12.40 Dr Tomasz Pudlocki (Jagiellonian University, Krakow)- Polish delegation at the Paris Peace Conference- Challenges and Problems

12.40-13.00 Questions

13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.00-14.30 Dr Aneta Stepien (TCD) - Polish Romanticism and the struggle for independence.

14.30-15.00 Dr Aleksandra Bilewicz (Warsaw University) – The forgotten role of the Polish cooperative movement in the process of regaining Poland’s independence

15.00-15.30 Dr John Borgonowo (UCC )-  The Irish War of Independence and its implications

15.30.-16.00 Questions and Closing Remarks


Conference is organised by Dr Bozena Cierlik, School of History, UCC (

School of History

Scoil na Staire

Tyrconnell,Off College Road,Cork,Ireland.
