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Monastic Ireland research seminar

Monastic Ireland research seminar.
Dr Anne-Julie Lafaye, ‘History, landscape and archaeology of the Dominicans in the boroughs and cities of Leinster’.
Wednesday, 28 January 2015, O’Rahilly Building, Room 244, 5pm.
Dr Anne-Julie Lafaye is a Research Fellow with the IRC funded project ‘Mona
Dr Anne-Julie Lafaye is a Research Fellow with the IRC funded project ‘Monastic Ireland: Landscape and Settlement’, Department of History of Art and Architecture, Trinity College Dublin, where her research focuses on the history and archaeology of the mendicant settlements in Ireland. Anne-Julie was conferred a PhD in medieval archaeology from UCD in February 2013.
The paper discusses the process of settlement of the Dominican Order and the landscape context of their friaries in Leinster, with a focus on the boroughs and cities of the province. It highlights any patterns that can be traced, and analyses how they might compare to what happened elsewhere in Ireland and in Europe. It will also look at the location of the friaries within these settlements, at the foundation and development of the friary precincts and how it fitted in with the development of the towns concerned. This helps to better grasp the extent of the role and impact of the Dominican friaries on the urban landscape of medieval Ireland, in terms of strategies of urban and economic development and political and social control, within the broader context of the Order in medieval Europe.
This paper is based on research undertaken within the IRC funded project ‘Monastic Ireland: Landscape and Settlement’.