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Kathleen Harriman

10 Mar 2015
Kathleen Harriman

The magazine of the Harriman Institute for Russian Studies at Columbia University has published an article by UCC’s  Professor Geoffrey Roberts about the fascinating wartime correspondence of  Kathleen Harriman. 

The magazine of the Harriman Institute for Russian Studies at Columbia University has published an article by UCC’s  Professor Geoffrey Roberts about the fascinating wartime correspondence of  Kathleen Harriman. As the daughter of the American ambassador to Moscow during the Second World War Kathleen was the perfect insider correspondent for news about Soviet Russia, for sketches of the Stalin and his inner circle and eyewitness reports from the killing grounds of Katyn and the Yalta Conference. Professor Roberts interviewed Kathleen and was recently given access to all her private papers (she died in 2011). The result is a lively and informative account of the wartime experiences of an extraordinary young woman whose letters are full of astute and often funny observations about life in the upper circles of the Grand Alliance.

Read the article

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