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"Je Suis Geoffrey Roberts": A Petition Against Censorship in France Today
16 Feb 2015
"Je Suis Geoffrey Roberts"
“Stalin's Wars” by Prof Geoffrey Roberts is subject to censorship by the Sorbonne. The international scholarly community urges all who say, "Je Suis Charlie Hebdo", "Je Suis Geoffrey Roberts, "Stalin's Wars: From World War to Cold War, 1939-1953." Read the story.
A user of the Sorbonne University's Pierre Mendès France Library recently proposed to a librarian that the library acquire the French edition of
Stalin's Wars: From World War to Cold War 1939-1953 by Geoffrey Roberts, Professor of History at University College Cork and Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. The book was published in French in 2014 by Editions Delga, and originally published in English in 2006 by Yale University Press. The proposal received the following response:
“The proposed work, although it was written by a university professor, does not in principle seem to us to display the historical and scientific neutrality required for it to be included on our shelves. Nor do the other books published by the same publishing house.
” It appears that, in the past, the library had accepted all Editions Delga's books concerning philosophy and marxism but has suddenly banned this publisher's books about USSR, including "Stalin's Wars" and a book of Henri Alleg.
Annie Lacroix-Riz (Godefroy Clair) and Aymeric Monville (editor in chief, Editions Delga) have launched a petition against this censorship. So far, it has been signed by 1700 people within a week. International and French figures who have already signed include Noam Chomsky, Jacques Sapir, Domenico Losurdo, Luciano Canfora, Anne Morelli, Paul Boccara, Samir Amin, Norman Finkelstein, Bertell Ollman, Jean Salem, Bernard Friot, Alexey Gromyko.