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‘History & Archives Week’ @ Cork City and County Archives

8 Apr 2014
‘History & Archives Week’ @ Cork City and County Archives

‘History & Archives Week’ @ Cork City and County Archives

4 free lectures for the Lifelong Learning Festival connecting our local archives with historical research

@ Cork Archives, Seamus Murphy Building, Great William O’Brien Street, Blackpool, Cork,

Tuesday 8 April – Friday 11 April 2014 (2:30pm daily)


‘History & Archives Week’ @ Cork City and County Archives

4 free lectures for the Lifelong Learning Festival connecting our local archives with historical research

@ Cork Archives, Seamus Murphy Building, Great William O’Brien Street, Blackpool, Cork,

Tuesday 8 April – Friday 11 April 2014 (2:30pm daily)


Tue:    Diarmuid O Drisceoil

‘Brewing in Cork – Using the Beamish & Crawford Archive’

Wed:  Paul MacCotter

‘Archives and Source Materials for Irish Genealogy’

Thu:    John Borgonovo

‘The Irish Revolution (1913-23) and Cork Archives’

Fri:      Alicia St Leger

‘Thomas Hewitt and Cork’s Distilling Story’

The Lectures are free, but booking is advised, as seating is limited.

To book contact Timmy O’Connor e-mail:  

‘Phone: +353 (0)21 4505876    For more about Cork Lifelong Learning Festival, see

Those attending will hear how each speaker has used archives at CCCA and elsewhere in their research, and will find out about ‘What Your Archives Can Do for You’, in a short presentation on CCCA’s services, which is to precede each lecture.

School of History

Scoil na Staire

Tyrconnell,Off College Road,Cork,Ireland.
