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“ Cultures of Commemoration and the Children of the Rising ”

31 Jan 2016
The history research seminar series

Dr Caoimhe Nic Dhaibheid

University of Sheffield


Venue:  Seminar Room, ‘Tyrconnell’, School of History

(‘Tyrconnell’ is on Perrott Ave, the road that leads from College Road to Hayfield Manor hotel - the first house on the right)

Time:  4 pm


Date:  Thursday 4 February 2016


Dr Caoimhe Nic Dhaibheid was an undergraduate in the History Department at UCC before taking an MA and PhD at Queen's University Belfast. She held research fellowships at the Institute of Irish Studies at Queens, Fitzwilliam College Cambridge, and the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence at St Andrews before being appointed as Lecturer in Modern History at the University of Sheffield. Her first book, a biography of Sean MacBride, was published in 2011 by Liverpool University Press. Her second book, titled Terrorist Histories, will be published next year by Routledge. She has also published in Irish Historical Studies and The Historical Journal, and has forthcoming work in the Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth and The Cambridge Social History of Ireland. Her research centres on the lived experience of political violence, among perpetrators and, latterly, survivors. 

School of History

Scoil na Staire

Tyrconnell,Off College Road,Cork,Ireland.
