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News Archive 2016

Obituary Former student & colleague Pamela Schneeberger (née O'Donoghue)

4 Mar 2016
Pamela at work in the Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience and with colleagues (front row second from right).

The Department of Anatomy would like to pay tribute to their former student and colleague Pamela Schneeberger (née O'Donoghue) who died on February 20th 2016.

Pamela studied neuroscience in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience graduating top of  her class in 2004 with a first class honours BSc Neuroscience Degree. She was subsequently awarded a prestigious Irish Research Council of Science Engineering and Technology (now the Irish Research Council) PhD Scholarship. Pamela was a gifted student and a talented researcher.  Working with Professor Kieran McDermott Pamela’s research focused on the biology of stem cells in the developing nervous system, hoping to gain better insight into how they could be used in repair and regeneration of damaged brain and spinal cord. 

Pamela was an extraordinary colleague and friend to all who worked with her in the lab. Her former lecturers, classmates and research colleagues in UCC are deeply saddened by her sudden, untimely death. Our thoughts and sympathy go to all her family at this very sad time.

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
