Physiology Degree showcased at Spring Open Day
7,000 transition year and fifth year students from over 100 schools in Munster visited the Western Gate Building on the 10th of April 2014.
Students who visited the Physiology Department's stand were not only given the opportunity to ask questions about pursuing a BSc in Physiology, CK402 and future careers but they were also able to conduct their own experiments using some of the department’s state of the art teaching and research equipment. The students own reaction times were measured and a strong man competition was held! Over 100 students were invited to observe some additional experiments in the department’s undergraduate teaching laboratory. These involved investigating the effects of exercise on oxygen consumption and exhaled gas composition using an exercise bike and face mask. Conduction velocity of neurons was also measured using external stimulators. The department’s staff enjoyed meeting and talking with the students and hope to see some of them back again in the future as the next generation of Physiologists.
Click here for further information on pursuing a Physiology degree in UCC.
Dr Therese Ruane-O'Hora running a live demonstration in the physiology department undergraduate teaching laboratory.