Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory
Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory

Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory
The Department of Physiology has state-of-the-art teaching laboratory facilities within UCC’s Western Gateway Building. Small group learning style sessions are facilitated on a large scale owing to significant investment in recent years allowing the development of multiple work stations that allow our students to measure an array of physiological parameters using research grade instruments. The department has developed one of the largest suites of experimental stations in the UK and Ireland allowing students to work in groups of 2-4 individuals with support provided by postgraduate students, technicians and academics to encourage hands-on training in the assessment of physiological function, most often with clinical context. Students enrolled in all of the programmes that we teach have access to this wonderful resource. In advanced laboratory sessions, students enrolled in our BSc Physiology degree programme learn the ropes of experimental science preparing them for the final year research project under the supervision of academics. A key aspect to these sessions is the notion of a community of learners. We recognise the value of peer learning groups which are complimented by immediate access to other teaching supports. All of our sessions are led by the academic staff of the department. The two-to-three hour sessions provide ample time for student-student and student-staff interaction and discussion in a focussed, directed but informal setting.