Physiology Class of 2014 Awards
The Department of Physiology hosted an awards event at the close of the academic year on the evening of the viva voce examinations.
Professor Bridget Lumb (Bristol) who served as external examiner for the BSc Physiology degree programme had an opportunity to meet several students including all prize winners. Congratulations to all students on a great performance in the examinations. We wish you all continued success into the future.
Alison Barry was selected as the winner of the Charles Medal in Physiology. Alison was also awarded the Physiological Society Prize. L-R Prof Bridgit Lumb (external examiner), Alison Barry, Prof Ken O’Halloran (Head of Department).
Department of Physiology Research Prizes were awarded to Sonia Thomas (top student in the research project module) and Sarah Drummond (best research thesis). L-R Sarah Drummond, Prof Ken O’Halloran.
Department of Physiology Research Prizes were awarded to Aaron Blake and Seamus Quaid for excellence in scientific communication. L-R Aaron Blake, Prof Ken O’Halloran, Seamus Quaid.
Scott Sinclair was voted Student of the Year by the Physiology Class of 2014.