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Recent Developments in EU Environmental Law to be Discussed At Centre for Law and the Environment Seminar

The Centre for Law and the Environment will host a seminar on the theme Recent Developments in European Union Environmental Law on the evening of Friday, 28 June 2019.
The seminar, which is open to the public, is funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Communicating Europe Initiative 2019.
Participants will hear contributions from Áine Ryall, UCC; Suzanne Murray BL, Law Library; Dr Fred Logue, Principal FP Logue Solicitors; and Tom Flynn BL, Law Library. The seminar will be chaired by the Hon Ms Justice Marie Baker, Court of Appeal.
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The topics for discussion include: the right of access to environmental information; nature law; and access to justice in environmental matters.
European Union law has had and continues to have a dramatic impact on Irish planning and environmental law. The law continues to evolve rapidly, making it difficult to keep track of new developments and their significance.
The seminar aims to explain recent developments in the law in an accessible manner. It also highlights the obligations on public authorities and the State in specific areas of EU environmental law, and the role of the public, including NGOs, in enforcing those obligations.
Recent developments in the jurisprudence will be examined, including: the Opinion of Advocate General Pitruzzella in Case C-261/18 Commission v Ireland (concerning a proposed penalty payment and a lump sum for failure by Ireland to comply with an earlier judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) relating to environmental impact assessment (EIA) obligations in the context of the Derrybrien windfarm); and the very recent judgment of the CJEU in Case C-723/17 Craeynest v Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest (concerning inter alia assessment of air quality).
In advance of the seminar, Áine Ryall, who is organising the event, observed:
“There is a growing awareness among the public of the importance of robust environmental laws and effective law enforcement. At a time when we are faced with serious climate disruption and a biodiversity crisis, effective environmental law enforcement takes on even greater significance and urgency.”
“This seminar aims to equip the public to be aware of their environmental rights and how those rights may be used to protect the environment in the public interest and in the interests of future generations.”
“We are very grateful for the support of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Communicating Europe Initiative 2019 which enabled us to host this public event at the Centre for Law and the Environment, UCC.”
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