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BLN PhD Researcher Participates at Conferences in Oslo and Dublin

Over the course of the academic year, BLN PhD researcher, Michael Boland, had the opportunity to take part in a number of conferences and PhD seminars, in both Ireland and overseas.
Michael James Boland, a PhD researcher in the Business Law Network at the School of Law, took part in a PhD Seminar on Companies and Markets at the University of Oslo. Michael’s research is looking into how the legal framework governing the corporation can be changed so that all competing interests from employee to shareholder can be reconciled. Michael’s paper at the University of Oslo considered the role of independent directors on corporate boards and, in particular, their effectiveness in different corporate structures.
Michael also presented a paper at the 12th Trinity College Dublin Law School Colloquium. The paper surveyed a selection of duties owed by company directors in Ireland to establish whether Irish company law conforms to Adolf Berle’s monist or Merrick Dodd’s pluralist conceptions of corporate purpose pronounced nearly a century ago.
Michael would like to extend his sincere gratitude to his academic supervisor, Professor Irene Lynch Fannon, for her unyielding support, encouragement and guidance throughout this year, and to the Irish Research Council whose support enables him to attend conferences and engage with peers at home and abroad.