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UCC School of Law “Goes Purple” with Virtual Coffee Morning in aid of Cork ARC Cancer Support House
On Wednesday 25 March, the School of Law at UCC hosted a “virtual coffee morning” online in support of student Eimear Kiely’s #GoPurple4ARC campaign in aid of Cork ARC Cancer Support House.
Eimear – a first year Law and Irish student at UCC – set up the campaign in memory of her dad, who sadly passed away in November 2018. The facilities provided by Cork ARC for cancer patients and their families – counselling, bereavement support, art therapy, therapeutic massages, reflexology, acupuncture, yoga, and many more – provided a huge amount of comfort for Eimear and her family. That’s why she decided to raise awareness and funds for this hugely important Cork charity with her #GoPurple4ARC campaign.
The premise is simple: Wear something purple, take a photo, and share it on social media using the hashtag #GoPurple4ARC. Most importantly, Eimear set up a GoFundMe page so that supporters could donate to Cork ARC.
When the UCC School of Law first heard about Eimear’s campaign, they were keen to support it with a coffee morning in the School on 25 March for staff and students. However, that was before the university was closed due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Undeterred, the School decided to switch the event online, with a “virtual” coffee morning all day on Wednesday 25 March. Staff, students and friends of the School of Law – not to mention a few pets! – donned their best purple outfits, poured themselves a cup of coffee, and shared photos on social media, all the while raising €338 in vital funds for Cork ARC.
"People were very eager to take part! It was such a succes"
Speaking following the virtual coffee morning, Eimear Kiely, Law student at UCC and organiser of #GoPurple4ARC, said:
“UCC have been a tremendous support to me throughout my #GoPurple4ARC campaign in aid of Cork Arc Cancer Support House.
On 25 March itself, there was a stream of pictures from purple themed coffee breaks all over social media. Both students and staff members took part. It was such a beautiful thing to see the School of Law community coming together during such a difficult time to help Cork ARC to help cancer patients and their families. It shows how kind and supportive the community of UCC truly is. People continued to post their purple pictures from their coffee breaks well into the evening of the 25th. People were very eager to take part! It was such a success.”
"We are deeply grateful to the UCC School of Law"
Hilary Sullivan, Head of Fundraising with Cork ARC thanked the UCC School of Law for their efforts saying:
“We are deeply grateful to the UCC School of Law for their innovation during these exceptional times in changing their coffee morning to a ‘virtual’ coffee morning last Wednesday. Their fantastic support is crucial to us, especially in these unprecedented times of added concerns and isolation. Their efforts and this event have helped us to further spread our message that although, like so many other services, we have had to temporarily close our doors, we are still here to support you and your family in dealing with a cancer diagnosis.
Our dedicated staff are manning our phone support service and our volunteers and others are offering wonderful online resources and supports. If you or someone you know needs support, please phone us on 021 4276688 or visit our website www.corkcancersupport.ie”.
Further info:
- The #GoPurple4ARC GoFundMe page is: https://www.gofundme.com/f/go-purple-for-arc