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School of History Prize Giving Ceremony

5 May 2010

The School of History Prize giving ceremony was held 29 April.  The John A. Murphy Prize in Irish History was awarded to Clare Fitzgerald.  For a full report please use the link below.

 The School of History Prize-giving Ceremony

The School of History Prize-giving Ceremony, which took place on 29 April in the Aula Maxima, is an annual event celebrating the excellent achievements of students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. The event provides an opportunity for the staff of the School of History to acknowledge publicly and pay appropriate tribute to the inspiring work of those students. Prizes were awarded to the History Student of the Year in I, II and III Year, as well as at MA level. Postgraduate Student of the Year was awarded to Sarah-Anne Buckley for her very considerable contribution to the School of History at an organisational and teaching level, as well as for her distinguished academic achievement. Prizes were similarly awarded to European Integration Studies students for achievement at undergraduate level.

The event also provides an opportunity to acknowledge the generosity of the donors and representatives of the families of donors of various other prizes which were awarded – the John A. Murphy Prize in Irish History, the John B. O’Brien Annual Prize in History, the Leonora Hanrahan Prize in History, the James and Mary Hogan Prize in History and the Michael Joseph  McEnery Memorial Prize. All of these prizes carry considerable prestige, as well as providing much-appreciated financial assistance to History students.

The Head of School, Professor Geoff Roberts, paid tribute to the administrative staff for their dedication and to the Schools’ Liaison and Outreach Committee, which organised the prize-giving ceremony. The ceremony concluded with closing remarks from Third Year Student of the Year, Abigail Rowe, who acknowledged the efforts of all members of staff in the School in providing a quality educational experience.

The occasion was also marked by the launch of a new Undergraduate History Research Journal, Scrinium, which provides a very valuable opportunity for very high calibre students to achieve a published work. The journal editor, Mike Cosgrave, spoke of the intention of the production team to inaugurate an annual publication which will provide a showcase for the best undergraduate history writing in the School of History.

The event was followed by a reception.  

School of History

Scoil na Staire

Tyrconnell,Off College Road,Cork,Ireland.
