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Intersections: Culture and Creativity Project

18 Feb 2015
Intersections: Culture and Creativity Project

The Intersections: Culture and Creativity Project supported by the CACSSS Creative Practice Support Fund runs a series of workshops that aim to develop an original performance piece based on an Irish medieval travel text. The performance will be staged in conjunction with the Cork Midsummer Festival 2015 and directed by Chrissie Poulter. The project jointly coordinated by Dr Małgorzata Krasnodębska-D’Aughton, UCC School of History and Dr Bernadette Cronin, UCC Drama and Theatre Studies brings together Irish and international creative artists and researchers.

The Actor as Creator and Adaptor workshop is the second in a series of workshops that contribute towards the UCC Creative Campus Initiative. The first workshop entitled Voices from the Past was delivered in January by Kevin Crawford from Academia dell’Arte, Arezzo. Workshops to follow will be led by Chrissie Poulter, Associate Professor at the Department of Drama and Theatre Studies, TCD and musician, Mark Wilkins. The Actor as Creator and Adaptor workshop will be led by Mark D’Aughton on Sunday, 22 February 2015 between 10am and 1pm in the Drama Lab, Connolly Complex, UCC.

Mark D’Aughton is a former member of Loose Canon Theatre Company. He studied under Albert Filozov at VIGIK, Moscow from 1993 to 1994. He also held residencies in the Gardzienice Centre for Theatre Practices, Poland between 2010 and 2011. In Cork he has worked extensively with Corcadorca Theatre Company, BrokenCrow Theatre Company and Conflicted Theatre Company. He has recently completed a practice based Masters by Research at UCC, which investigated the role of the actor as creator and researcher in the process of adaptation. The workshop will look at the role of the actor in the adaptive process by using varying techniques centered on an integrated approach that engages the imaginative potential of the actor.

For more information on the project and future workshops email Dr Małgorzata D’Aughton at or Dr Bernadette Cronin at


School of History

Scoil na Staire

Tyrconnell,Off College Road,Cork,Ireland.
