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State of Mind Ireland
State of Mind Ireland
State of Mind Ireland is a joint initiative between UCC, the HSE, Reach Out, All Island All Active (AIAI), Shine, and The Centre for Recovery and Social Inclusion (CRSI). The aim of this initiative is to improve mental health, wellbeing and working life of sports players and sporting communities throughout Ireland. The programme team is comprised of service users, players, coaches, mental health experts and sport professionals.
State of Mind Ireland is determined to raise awareness of mental fitness by delivering comprehensive education sessions, at no cost, throughout Ireland (North and South) to Sports Clubs initially located in third-level colleges and associated community groups. The key concept is that of Mental Fitness by promoting resilience, positive mental health, mindfulness, and wellbeing by adopting a strengths-based approach.
The key ways in which these concepts are conveyed include delivering presentations nationawide, using player and fan ambassadors, utilising social media to show how to access help, building community resilience via participation in sport and working in partnership with community groups within the educational, health, and voluntary sectors.
Visit the State of Mind Ireland website for more information.
State of Mind Ireland