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Meet the Team
Health Matters Team
Dr. Michael Byrne - Head of Student Health / Co-Coordinator UCC Health Matters
Dr. Michael Byrne is the Head of the Student Health Department and is actively involved with UCC Health Matter as a Co-Coordinator.
"I have the privilege to head a team who support and enhance the student journey of our wonderful students, from before the time they enter UCC, during the time of their undergraduate and postgraduate years in university, until well into their careers in the years after transitioning out of UCC."
Judy Dwyer - Student Health Doctor
Judy Dwyer is a Student Health Doctor and the Clinical Lead in the Student Health Department.
"Always active between work, triathlons, and running around after my 3 boys!"
Sylvia Curran - Staff Wellbeing and Development Advisor
Sylvia Curran promotes wellbeing to UCC staff and is available by appointment to meet with staff members on a strictly confidential basis to discuss any concerns or to discuss the various support options available in more detail.
"How do I keep healthy? Running around after 3 young kids, holding down a fulltime job, running and cleaning a house, odd game of tennis/fitness class, and sing in a gospel choir (good for the soul)."
Maura O'Neill - Student Wellbeing Coordinator
Maura O'Neill works as the Student Wellbeing Coordinator to promote mental health and wellbeing to UCC students. Maura holds events such as Stress Management classess and Mindfulness classes.
This is so students can "learn techniques which will help you manage stress and thrive."
Emily Lynch - Health Promotion Evaluation and Support Worker
Emily graduated with a BSc in Public Health and Health Promotion in 2012 and with a Master of Public Health (MPH) in 2014 from University College Cork. During her MPH, Emily specialised in advanced epidemiology, carrying out a secondary data analysis of the Cork Children’s Lifestyle Study data set and completing a thesis entitled, “Sugar Sweetened Beverages and Overweight and Obesity in Irish Schoolchildren.”
Emily lives by the motto “What’s for you won't pass you by.”
Tess Jones - Health Promotion Project Worker
Tess Jones is one of the two health promotion project workers. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Community Health Science from the University of Nevada Reno (USA) and is currently a postgraduate student in the Master of Public Health (MPH) programme at UCC. Her MPH specialty is Health Promotion.
Tess plays competetive golf, is a member of the UCC Skydiving Club, and came to study in Ireland becuase of her interest in the people, culture, and history.
Kasturi Chakraborti - Health Promotion Project Worker
UCC Community

Martin Davoren - Alcohol
Martin Davoren is a post doc researcher for Health Matters. His research is in alcohol use, in particular the effects of alcohol, and the attitudes and experiences of students surrounding its use. He completed a PhD entitled ‘Alcohol Related Harm among Third Level Students in Ireland'.
Martin now works as the Executive Director of the Sexual Health Centre in Cork.
Fun fact: Martin competes in triathlons, is from the middle of the Burren, is the youngest of 4 boys, and was never allowed roller-skates as a kid.
Wesley O'Brien - Physical Activity
Dr. Wesley O’ Brien was awarded his PhD in youth physical activity promotion at the School of Health and Human Performance, at Dublin City University in September 2013.
Fun Fact: "Outside of the lecture room, I also coach the UCC Fresher Hurling and Cork Senior Camogie teams. On top of this, I am a passionate GAA player with my local team of ‘Carrigaline’. My twitter name is @wesleyob1"
To Stay Healthy: "As a physical activity enthusiast, I try to participate (where possible) in exercise every day, ranging from strength and conditioning work, to outdoor running, to GAA training and games etc… In terms of ensuring positive energy output, I am conscious of maintaining a healthy balanced diet, with optimum hydration essential, particularly for recovery and recuperation."
Anna O'Leary - Food and Nutrition
Anna O'Leary is a college lecturer on nursing and midwifery and her research to date has centred on behavioural and lifestyle issues surrounding diet, alcohol and smoking.
Oonagh McKaigue - Sexual Health
Dr. Oonagh McKaigue gained her title of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from Queen's University of Belfast together with five hundred and thirtieth physicians finished in 1984. She is now a student health doctor in UCC.
"What I recommend to stay healthy is get a dog ( not exactly practical for everyone) .Apart from having to walk him in all weathers, even when I really don’t feel like it, he is so pleased to see me at the end of a long day at work, and we know having a pet is great for your mental health too! Should have enclosed a picture of my dog too, but my teenagers might get jealous"