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In this section we will present Scenario-related materials in different languages.
In October 2020 a start was made with the translation of Scenario articles into Italian. We wish to expressly thank Serena Cecco for facilitating the translation projects at her institution, Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici CIELS. 

Campus CIELS offers BA and MA courses of Interpreting and Translation Studies in Padua, Brescia and Rome complemented by specific and specialised courses in different areas: diplomacy, criminology and social sciences, business and marketing, and tourism. In the last 10 years, it has offered an innovative translation training programme with a focus on real-life situations (simulated and enacted).


1. Bastian – Cecco & Meggiolaro: “La mia lingua, parte del tuo Paese”: Come rafforzare il senso di appartenenza: l’insegnamento bidirezionale delle lingue attraverso il Process Drama e il Teacher-in-Role

The original English version of the article (Bastian 2018) can be accessed at:

2. Piazzoli – Antonello & Cecco: Coinvolgere o intrattenere? La natura della collaborazione fra insegnante e studenti nel process drama L2/LS

The original English version of the article (Piazzoli 2012) can be accessed at:

3. Piazzoli & Kubiak – Carron & Cecco“È l‘unica possibilità che avrò di apprendere”: studenti con disabilità intellettive imparano una seconda lingua attraverso la didattica performativa1 

The original English version of the article (Piazzoli & Kubiak 2019) can be accessed at:

4. Schewe – Cecco & Angelini: Tra passato, presente e futuro: pedagogia drammatica, verso una cultura didattica performativa  

The original English version of the article (Schewe 2013) can be accessed at: 

5. Schewe & Woodhouse - Agostini & CeccoSviluppi nella Didattica Performativa della Lingua Straniera: l’immagine fissa e l’insegnante come Formmeister (maestro della forma)

The original English version of the article (Schewe & Woodhouse 2018) can be accessed at:







Department of German & Department of Theatre – University College Cork

Scenario Editorial Office, Department of German, Alfred O'Rahilly Building, Main Campus, University College Cork,
