You can download a German translation here:
The idea for this project was sparked by a song that I re-discovered in recent times: Sunshine Reggae, in a version by Bob Marley and the Wailers.[1] Over the weeks it became a ritual of mine to listen, and sometimes move, to the wonderfully rhythmic music and embrace the frequent moments in the song when with his distinctive voice Bob Marley sings "let the good vibes get a lot stronger!" In these moments my inner voice responded with a loud YES, YES, YES!
We are bombarded on a daily basis with news about global crises (climate change, migration, wars, crumbling democracies, right-wing extremism etc.) and about deplorable conditions prevailing in many parts of the world. While it is important to stay informed and not to become politically ignorant, an overdose of such news, often sensationally packaged, is clearly not beneficial for our well-being.
Giving excessive attention to something that is ultimately beyond our control, takes up a lot energy. This energy could perhaps be more wisely spent by focusing attention on projects that activate the compassionate imagination and have the potential to lift our spirits.
Street Art in Müllerstraße, Berlin, by HERA – As part of the Street Art for Mankind Project, Photo: MS https://streetartmankind.org/artists/hera/
You could, for example, contribute to the Good Vibes Arts Calendar Project. It is based on the assumption that the arts are best placed to generate moments of joy for us, make us curious, offer us fresh perspectives, engage us in creative doing and give us a sense of new direction.
Have you perhaps come across a piece of art (song, poem, play, novel, painting, drawing, photograph, film, sculpture etc.) that resonates strongly with you? A piece of art that in the currently overwhelmingly crisis-ridden world might reassure people, give them hope and strengthen their sense that humans can do better?
If you are interested in this project, please submit your contribution as follows:
- in English, briefly introduce the piece of art you have selected (max. 150 words), explain why it has touched you personally and might have an uplifting impact also on others
- add any additional information (image, link, source/copyright etc.) that helps to convey a vivid impression of the selected piece of art
- submit and send your proposal to: goodvibesproject@protonmail.com
Please also note:
- As cultural and linguistic diversity is valued in this project, contributors with a first language other than English are encouraged to provide a first language version of their proposal.
If in 2025 you wish to receive a weekly good vibe contribution via email free of charge, or follow on Instagram, click here
Thank you for your attention.
Should you have any further queries, please send an email to the
Project Coordinator (Manfred Schewe) at: goodvibesproject@protonmail.com
* * *
The following (translated) quotations serve to place the project within in a wider perspective:
It takes time for me to realize that I don't want to respond to destruction with self-destruction. Because despair weakens, tends to give up in discouragement, is exhausted acquiescence to what is. We cannot afford that. Resignation is escape. And if you believe, as I am learning to believe, that the world is a cosmos of energy that must be kept in balance in order not to destroy itself completely, then right now, in the face of destruction and violence, of hatred and murder, of hunger and fear, you must brew beautiful antidotes, you must breathe kindness and silence into the universe, care and attention and - if you can - even kindness.
Gabriele von Arnim [2]
For the powerful, a hopeful view of human nature is downright threatening. [...] to stand up for human goodness means weathering a storm of ridicule. You'll be called naive. [...] Basically, it's easier to be a cynic.
Rutger Bregman [3]
In difficult times, we urgently need positive and utopian stories to give us hope and show us alternative perspectives. All it takes is a little courage ...
Illja Trojanow [4]
[1] One of the versions available on YouTube version can be accessed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KWSgRqi8d4&list=RD9KWSgRqi8d4&start_radio=1&rv=R82XGJV_nkU
[2] Gabriele von Arnim: Der Trost der Schönheit (The comfort of beauty): Rowohlt (2023), p. 29
[3] Rutger Bregman: Humankind – A Hopeful History. Bloomsbury (2020), p. 19
[4] Illja Trojanow: Gegen das tägliche Gift. Weltuntergänge und Dystopie-Erzählungen sind die erfolgreichste Art der Profitmaximierung. Dabei sollten vielmehr positive Utopien verkauft werden. [Against the daily poison. Doomsday and dystopian narratives are the most successful way of maximizing profits. Instead, positive utopias should be sold] In: TAZ, 23 Oct, 2024.