Deputy President and Registrar News 2019
UCC Works Award – Record number of students participate
Professor John O’ Halloran, Deputy President and Registrar presented 426 students with 531 UCC Works Awards and Digital Badges at a packed ceremony in Devere Hall on the 20th March, 2019.
The UCC Works Award enables students to receive formal recognition for the learning gained from involvement in extra-curricular activities inside and outside of UCC. UCC Works is a personal skills development programme, and demonstrates that students have engaged in, and developed professional skills, all of which will help them to stand out from the crowd when applying for graduate roles and internships. UCC Works was launched in October 2012 and currently students can participate through four pathways:
- Internship Pathway
- Volunteering and Community Engagement
- Student Life
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (in association with Blackstone Launchpad)
For more on this story contact:
Mary McNulty, Head, Career Services, 021 4902121,