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Work Shadowing Pilot

Work Shadowing Pilot Programme for Registry, Fees and Student Experience

A pilot work shadowing programme has been established to offer staff from Registry, Fees and Student Experience to take part in learning exchange and to explore collaborative working through cross funcional projects ahead of the opening of the new Student Hub building on campus.

Further information on this Pilot Programme can be found at Work Shadowing Pilot Programme.

Further Information

An information session for staff was held on 26th September. A recording of this event is available here: Work Shadowing Programme Information Session, and the slide deck from this event is available at Work Shadowing Info Session Sept 2018 Slides


You can apply to participate in this pilot programme by completing a Work Shadowing Application Form (below) and returning it to your line manager and to Please note that this is a rolling deadline and you can apply at any time. On completion of work shadowing you must submit a Work Shadowing Evaluation Form (below). 

Leas-Uachtarán agus Cláraitheoir/ Deputy President & Registrar

First Floor, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC, T12 YN60
