Aoife Slyne receives Rob Clarke Abstract and Presentation Award from The Physiological Society

Congratulations to Ms Aoife Slyne, BSc Physiology Class of 2020, who received The Rob Clarke Abstract and Presentation Award from The Physiological Society.
This prestigious award recognises excellence in undergraduate physiology research. Aoife was one of thirteen undergraduates shortlisted for the The Rob Clarke Abstract Award. Aoife presented data from her undergraduate research project at Future Physiology 2020, a virtual conference of The Physiological Society. Dr Sarah Hall (Cardiff University and Chair of the Education, Public Engagement and Policy Committee at The Physiological Society) presented Aoife with the awards at the virtual meeting.
The title of Aoife’s research project was “Respiratory muscle dysfunction in the mdx mouse model of muscular dystrophy: Role of NADPH oxidase (NOX)?” and was supervised by Dr. David Burns, Department of Physiology.
“Respiratory muscle dysfunction in the mdx mouse model of muscular dystrophy: Role of NADPH oxidase (NOX)? ”
Aoife Slyne, Sarah Drummond, David Cussen, Ken O'Halloran, David Burns
Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
The award is in memory of Rob Clarke (1956 – 2004), who made an important contribution to physiology and to the life of The Physiological Society, as a member of the Committee (now called Council). He was a hands-on research scientist and regular attendee at Society meetings where he presented more than 60 communications over the years in his own unique laid-back style. As well as a committed researcher, Rob was an innovative teacher who taught physiology across the board at undergraduate level, and was involved with many Society initiatives to engage and train young people in physiology. The Rob Clarke Awards honour his commitment to undergraduate physiology and to nurturing the next generation of physiologists.
For a full list of recipients of The Rob Clarks Awards, click here.