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The XIV International Meeting of the European Calcium Society in Valladolid, Spain

25 Oct 2016

Dr Mark Rae and his PhD student Aidan Karr attended the XIV International Meeting of the European Calcium Society in Valladolid, Spain (Sept 25th -29th). Aidan presented a poster entitled ‘Evidence for Altered Calcium Homeostasis and Bcl-2 Expression in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons in Young (<6 days) Rodent Models of Alzheimer’s Disease (3xTg AD Mouse & TgF344-AD Rat)’.


The meeting was a great success, allowing Aidan to meet, and discuss his work with, some of the foremost calcium signalling experts in the world. The meeting also provided them with the opportunity to listen to the Nobel Prize winner for Physiology and/or Medicine (1991), Erwin Neher, present his latest work at the conference.

The photographs show (clockwise from top left), conference picture of all attendees at the ECS meeting (Aidan and Mark standing next to Erwin Neher near bottom of steps on RHS), Aidan at his poster at ECS, Aidan and Mark in the monastery where the conference dinner was held.

Both Aidan and Mark would like to acknowledge the financial support provided to them by UCC’s School of Medicine and Health Doctoral Student Bursary 2016 (A.Kaar), and both the Biochemical Society (M. Rae) and the Physiology Society (M. Rae), without which their attendance would not have been possible.

Physiology Department


Western Gateway Building Western Road University College Cork
