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Government approves publication of the annual report of the Special Rapporteur on Child Protection, Professor Conor O’Mahony

19 Dec 2022

The government has approved publication of the 2021/2022 annual report of the Special Rapporteur on Child Protection, Professor Conor O’Mahony. This is the third and final report to be submitted by Professor O’Mahony, who was appointed as the Special Rapporteur in July 2019 for a term of three years.


This is the 15th Report of the Special Rapporteur on Child Protection and it relates to developments for the 12-month period from July 2021 to June 2022.

The main thematic chapter covered in the report is an examination of Tusla’s use of residential care, particularly private residential care, as a mode of alternative care.

Professor O'Mahony described the recent trend of increased reliance on private residential care as 'a cause of concern'. 

The report contains a review of progress on issues raised and recommendations made in the previous reports submitted during Professor O’Mahony’s term and a reflection on the role.


The report also considers the findings of relevant reports of national and international bodies, as well as developments in international law, national court decisions and academic research published during the reporting period.

The report was submitted to Government by The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O'Gorman, who said the report covers a wide range of policy areas and that relevant departments and agencies would now be reviewing the contents and recommendations set out within it. 

Download the report here: Special Rapporteur on Child Protection 15th Report

Listen to Professor O'Mahony discuss the Report on Drivetime here: Drivetime Friday 16 December 2022 - Drivetime ( (from 1hour 39 mins). 

School of Law

Scoil an Dlí

Room 1.63, Aras na Laoi, T12 T656
